2018 End of Year Closure Details

It’s nearly the end of the year again!

As such, we would like to provide our customers with some early advice regarding our planned end-of-year closure for the Christmas and New Year break.

We will close from Saturday, 22 December 2018 through till Tuesday, 1 January 2019 (inclusive).

We will reopen and begin offering services again on Wednesday, 2 January 2019.

Please also be advised that some individual cleaners and yard team members may take additional leave around this closure period. We will review all planned services for this period over the next few weeks to ensure that you have an extra set of helping hands right when you are getting ready for the holidays!

As always, you are welcome to call us at anytime to discuss your bookings on (07) 3708 1060 or by emailing us at team@firstcallhomeservices.com.au

New estimate requests and bookings can be made online through our website. Real Estate agency work orders will continue to be reviewed and responded to during the closure period. We will monitor our inbox and phone service throughout the break for any urgent matters.

We wish all of our customers, employees and support team all the best for the holidays. We look forward to seeing you all again in 2019.

About Author

Kade H